After a new school year, you have had to face new changes and ways of life. There are many challenges in these difficult times. In this article, Golden Care shares its secrets for bringing more happiness into your life and being in good health. What if increasing your vibrational energy could have a positive impact on your life and that of those around you?
Man and the search for happiness
Since the beginning of mankind, our species has had only one objective: to be happy and avoid suffering. And yet, in recent years, the evidence is clear. Despite a thousand methods and strategies, depression and anxiety are part of our daily lives. In the United States, there are even more suicides than homicides. Moreover, in a recent observation, the WHO comes to this terrible conclusion: “Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and contributes significantly to the global burden of disease”.
It is becoming urgent to change the paradigm and integrate more pleasantness into our lives.
To live long, let’s live happily!
As a health insurer who cares about your well-being, Golden Care had to share with you its secret for staying healthy. It’s all about pleasure therapy. The principle is to experience pleasure in everything you do, to feel more positive emotions, to amplify them and to appreciate them to the fullest. This ability to enjoy life’s little pleasures is the secret to a fulfilling and healthy life.
Andrew Steptoe, a researcher at University College London, has analysed this phenomenon and has drawn the following conclusions from analyses and biochemical tests on more than 3,200 subjects over 8 years. People who experience joy in their daily lives are those whose biological functions work best and whose physical functions decline least rapidly. They had low levels of cortisol (a stress hormone associated with hypertension, type II diabetes and some forms of obesity) and were at lower risk of cardiovascular events.
So, how can you increase your vibratory rate for a fulfilling life?
What is the vibrational rate ?
Who would have thought that quantum physics would help you boost your health. Albert Einstein demonstrated it: “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to understand in life. Align yourself to the frequency of the reality you wish for, and it will manifest. It cannot be otherwise. This is not philosophy. It is physics.
Everything around you, the animal and plant world, what you eat, your home and even your words and thoughts emit energy. This energy radiation is also called vibratory rate. It emanates from you and is constantly changing according to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state and your environment. When you are in a hostile environment surrounded by negative and unhealthy people, or if you are upset or anxious, your vibratory rate drops, and you find yourself more prone to health concerns and difficulties in your life.
With a higher vibratory rate, you will be in better shape, more serene and more open. Your body will be more capable to resist external pathogens. You are more able to listen to your intuition, you are more receptive to the opportunities that come to you, you feel stronger to realize your desires and make your dreams come true.
Why it is important to raise your vibratory rate?
With a low vibratory rate, you become vulnerable to everything that can impact you negatively. This impact is unfortunately not without consequences. It affects your health, your relationships, and your daily life in general.
It becomes obvious that you need to change your behaviour, your habits, your lifestyle, or your relationships. In short, you must raise your vibratory rate.
The higher your vibration, the more you surround yourself with the right people, the more successful you will be in life and in achieving your goals. It’s a kind of virtuous circle, a positive spiral that takes you higher and higher. Moreover, by raising your vibration, you are less susceptible to infections, you stimulate your immune system, you strengthen your body and promote healing.
Increasing your vibratory rate to be in good health?
Your vibratory rate is influenced by your surroundings, your environment, your lifestyle, your emotions and your thoughts. It is closely linked to your vital energy which allows you to function and maintain good health.
This vital energy is found in different cultures: Prana in India, Chi in China, Qi in Japan, Pneuma in Plato’s time, Natura medicatrix for Hippocrates. Whatever its name, it ensures the proper functioning of your vital parameters: healing, immune response, growth. A high vibratory rate allows you to keep your immune system performing well.
The vibratory rate and the law of attraction
Depending on your vibratory frequency, you will not attract the same type of people and experiences. There is a close link between the vibrational rate and the law of attraction. The Law of Attraction says that you will attract to you what corresponds to the intensity and quality of the signals you send out through your thoughts. You inevitably attract everything that vibrates at the same frequency as yours.
With a high vibratory rate, you attract favourable situations, happy events, healthy and motivating people. You expand your range of possibilities. It is therefore highly recommended to increase your vibratory rate to see your life transformed.
10 key steps to raising your vibration level
Fortunately, your vibratory rate is not fixed. To begin with, it is necessary to observe yourself and look around you to determine the elements of your daily life that contribute to lowering or raising your vibration.
Here are some simple steps to follow to successfully increase it. This will help you feel better and attract good things in life.
- Focus on positive thoughts and words. Practice, as much as possible, love, kindness, gratitude, empathy, and compassion for others, and for yourself.
- Stop reading or watching anxiety-provoking media that bog you down in fear or frustration. Be selective in your information system and social networks.
- Stop negative and ruminative thoughts. Stop complaining, criticising, and underestimating yourself.
- Reconnect with nature. Spend beautiful afternoons walking in the forest, by a river, in the mountains, gardening or just looking at the stars.
- Declutter your living space. Tidy up, sort out, get rid of things that are broken, no longer work, no longer please you or are loaded with memories that are too heavy.
- Do things that make you feel good: dancing, listening to music, reading, playing sports. There are many ways to recharge your batteries.
- Every day, write down in your gratitude diary 3 small things you feel thankful for during the day. It could be good weather, your child’s smile, a laugh. This exercise allows you to focus on the good things of the day.
- Adopt a healthier lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, staying well hydrated, avoiding addictions, and getting regular exercise.
- Be selective about who you surround yourself with. This is one of the main keys to increasing your vibrational rate. Choose people who motivate you, who believe in you. Stay away from those who put you down, who criticize you. Remember that you are the average of the 5 people you are around the most.
- Express your creativity. It allows you to reconnect with your inner self and your creative potential, to have confidence in yourself and to let go. These few hours give you joy and satisfaction.
- Meditate. This is an effective way to relax and distance yourself from your emotions.
- Free yourself from negative emotions that pollute you, from your fears, frustrations, guilt, shame or anger. This is an important step in clearing your mind and attracting the positive into your life.
- Identify the moments that soothe and replenish you, and then multiply them.
- Laugh, have fun and smile, at a neighbour, a shopkeeper, a person you like or dislike.
The recipe for a fulfilling life and for taking others with you is a good dose of fun, litres of joy and finally generous spoonfuls of love and gratitude. Give it a try, you have everything to gain.
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